Monday, June 1, 2015

Grief in the words of Joe Biden

"Just when you think, 'Maybe I'm going to make it,' you're riding down the road and you pass a field, and you see a flower and it reminds you. Or you hear a tune on the radio. Or you just look up in the night. You know, you think, 'Maybe I'm not going to make it, man.' Because you feel at that moment the way you felt the day you got the news."

"There will come a day- I promise you, and your parents as well - when the thought of your son or daughter, or husband or wife, brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. It will happen."

Hearing of the death of Beau Biden, I was a bit overwhelmed. It's too soon to think of how common this disease it. It also oddly brought hope. Hope that maybe the death of a big name person would bring more research to this disease. All we need is research and GBM'S can be cured.

All it takes is research. If you would do me a huge favor and check out it would be awesome. If you are in Atlanta come race for research with my family and I. We would love to have you celebrate my mom and my birthday. September 19th at Atlantic Station.  All the info is on the they are an amazing foundation leading the charge on research and support. I love them.

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